Welcome to the Spring 2008 Quotes Blog~

Instructions for Quotes Blog

Choose a quote with a KNOWN author.
*Compose a short essay on why this quote has meaning in your life. Include an intresting fact about the quote author.
*Complete draft, and in class revising, and editing sessions.
Your quote should be set up in the following manner:

*Create a title for your post.
*"Put your chosen quote in quotation marks."
*List the author of your quote underneath.
*Leave a space.
*Somewhere in the body of your quote include a picture that enhances your quote post.
*Key in your short quote essay AFTER it has been through the draft, revision, editing procss.
*Please have all quotes posted by the end of week 5.

When all quotes have been posted, I will instruct you to make comments (minimum of two).
*Please do not post comments until all quotes have been posted!
*Pick two or more quotes by fellow classmates and add a comment to their post. You may comment on their quote or on their author or on the information they shared.
*Comments should be posted by the end of week 8.
*Inappropriate quote posts or comments will not be tolerated and will result in a failing IRP grade. Build each other up, not tear each other down.

The Best and Most Beautiful Things in the World

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched."

Helen Keller
The most beautiful things in the world you cannot see or touch. These things must be felt with the heart meaning, love is the most beautiful thing in the world.
Helen Keller inspired and motivated many people. She was famous for her many achievements. She was blind and deaf because of a childhood illness, but the love and caring of her teacher helped her overcome many obstacles in her life even though she couldn't see or hear.
Helen did not have to see or hear to know that the love and caring from people in her life was the most important thing. She was living proof that if you have the love and support of someone who loves you, it can get you through the hard times in your life. I feel the same way.
I feel sorry for anyone who is alone and doesn't have anyone special in their life to love or to be loved by. I am so lucky to have the love of my husband who, I believe, is my soul mate, and the special love of my kids and grandkids. These are the most beautiful things to me.


Gene Kelley said...

Good Quote. Its amazing how much u miss love when you no longer have it. I love being able to take care of people in need just holding ahand of a patient and making them feel safe is a great feeling. It is true love can help you get through hard times life is much more enjoyable when someone is there. Again very good post.

Christal Bandy said...

alot of people think that the best things in life are things that you can buy, or money itself. I have never been materialistic and i feel that the best things in life are free. A hug, kiss, or even a smile or an i love you from my children is better than all the money in the world. I could never do what i do if it werent for them, they may be small but they have gotten me through so much!

mander said...

I agree because just like they say beauty is skin deep and it’s what’s on the inside not the out side.